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T O P I C    R E V I E W
walcen Posted - Nov 17 2009 : 11:27:26 PM
Hi all, I know little about electronics but I'm picking things up slowly.

I've been trying to find a simple circuit to accommodate a small machine that I'm going to build.

The machine is a guitar pickup winder and will use 3 devices that all operate on different voltages.

A photo interrupter switch 1.5 volts,
a totaliser counter panel meter 5 volts,
PWM and a small DC motor out of a printer 12-18 volts.

I require a voltage reg that has 3 different DC outputs, and will operate of a 240 volt AC transformer or a wall wart.

My search on the net has been fruitless so any advice would be appreciated.

kind Regards to all

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Nov 21 2009 : 11:05:49 AM
A photo interrupter is easily made by using a phototransistor and a comparator circuit. Why the 1.5V requirement?

Not sure what a "totaliser" is. It it just a counter with an output when a certain count is reached? If that is the case, then it can be made using a set of frequency dividers and counters but the component count might start to get pretty high if you use discrete components.

Since it looks like you want to combine this into some kind of automatic winding device, grab a microcontroller experimenters kit and make this your first microcontroller project.

Power supplies are easy. Take a look at the circuits page for many examples.

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