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 Power Supply
 700va to 3kva power supply

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cmptrade Posted - Oct 21 2009 : 6:18:29 PM
I have been thinking about the possibility of boosting the wattage of a 700va gasoline generator to supply 3kav power at same voltage (220v). so, I want somebody to work it out and give me the circuit diagram. thanksks.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Oct 23 2009 : 10:47:52 AM
I've got a sickness, and the only prescriptions is more cowbell!

The fonts must be a cultural thing, as is the very direct and almost rude way of asking questions. Whenever I get these emails, it is easy to recognize the country of origin based on the almost zero introductory information and then the demand that full circuit designs and diagrams be supplied.
wasssup1990 Posted - Oct 22 2009 : 09:45:53 AM
Now just listen alright, just listen... I gotta have more cowbell! LOL
Not joking I really like the cowbell.

And what's with you guys always typing in anything other than the default font? Why make the font small for us OP?
Aaron Cake Posted - Oct 22 2009 : 09:28:13 AM
The only way you can accomplish this is to add more cowbell.

Nigeria and Uganda must have a very poor electrical system.

But to make it clear, in case the original poster doesn't get our humor, what is being asked is impossible.
wasssup1990 Posted - Oct 22 2009 : 03:05:24 AM
Is it just me or do most people from Nigeria and Uganda ask the same things on this forum?
boron Posted - Oct 21 2009 : 6:58:16 PM
First off we should always say please.

Secondly, I want you to please work it out, try it, and let me know how it goes. We are not at your disposal to do your bidding.
pebe Posted - Oct 21 2009 : 6:36:11 PM
The same way that you get a gallon of beer from a 1pint bottle. Or $10 change from a $1 bill.

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