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 inverter 12V DC to 120V AC

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mike24usa Posted - Sep 30 2009 : 2:44:21 PM
hi all
need help or direction on designing an inverter with 12V DC input and 120V AC output with 1500W your help is greatly apreciated
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
audioguru Posted - Oct 01 2009 : 4:17:04 PM
We have reliable electricity.
You have huge 12V batteries.

Most Big 12V batteries here are 80Ah, not the huge 200Ah batteries that you double to get 400Ah.
A 80Ah battery boils when it has a 150A load.
kivdenn Posted - Oct 01 2009 : 1:06:19 PM
Originally posted by audioguru

Guess what?
A 1500W inverter will use 1800W from a 12V battery.
Then the 12V battery's current will be 1800/12= 150A and it will boil then blow up unless it is as big as your car.

Use a 12V inverter if your load is only 100W.

Thats a lie, it all depends on how much load you connect. I have always made those types of inverters with 1000watts to 2000watts and i use them to power school lights of 40watts and about 45 in number and it has always worked well. The two 200Ah batteries that i used have never boiled as you say

audioguru Posted - Sep 30 2009 : 4:51:02 PM
Guess what?
A 1500W inverter will use 1800W from a 12V battery.
Then the 12V battery's current will be 1800/12= 150A and it will boil then blow up unless it is as big as your car.

Use a 12V inverter if your load is only 100W.

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