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 12v-220vac inverter

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Zohaib99 Posted - Sep 20 2009 : 06:49:03 AM
Hi can anybody help me about this inverter.I get 180vac frm transformer rather than 220v.Also c1 is polyester capacitor it is non-polar so what's about the +ve sign in cct.
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audioguru Posted - Sep 23 2009 : 09:39:59 AM
Originally posted by Zohaib99

Tell me:
Can i use MOT (microwave oven transformer) bcoz for higher current other transformer are too big and expensive?

A microwave oven is not designed to operate for long periods so it wastes a lot of power because its transformer is cheap (too small) and does not have enough inductance to be efficient. Then your inverter will waste a lot of power making heat.

Can i use lead acid car battery?

A car battery is designed to supply a high current for a short duration. It will be destroyed if it is discharged too low. Use a "deep discharge" battery for a motor home.

I have a transformer (from stabilizer)it is quite big and has lots of terminals(8) on one side. Can i utilize it?, if yes then please tell me about its terminals i don't know even its i\o terminals.

You don't know and I don't know.

Instead of making an inverter why don't you get your electricity fixed so it is reliable like everywhere else?
Zohaib99 Posted - Sep 23 2009 : 02:24:38 AM
Tell me:
Can i use MOT (microwave oven transformer) bcoz for higher current other transformer are too big and expensive?
Can i use lead acid car battery?
I have a transformer (from stabilizer)it is quite big and has lots of terminals(8) on one side. Can i utilize it?, if yes then please tell me about its terminals i don't know even its i\o terminals.
audioguru Posted - Sep 22 2009 : 08:11:37 AM
If you try to filter the output of a low frequency square-wave inverter then the inductor will be huge and heavy and cause too much voltage drop. The peak-to-peak voltage of a square-wave inverter is much too low anyway.

A sine-wave inverter uses Pulse-Width-Modulation at a high frequency to make a sine-wave with many steps. The high frequency is filtered out with a small high frequency filter.

The 12VDC is stepped up with a high frequency power oscillator that uses a small ferrite transformer.
Mosfets are used for the power stages.
Zohaib99 Posted - Sep 22 2009 : 02:13:36 AM
can i convert square wave into sine wave?
audioguru Posted - Sep 21 2009 : 1:49:47 PM
Originally posted by Zohaib99

Also tell me about the battery current, is 12v/50A works? Can i use 10A transformer?

For 500W output then the input from the battery is 600W. 600W/12V= 50A.
If you use a little 10A transformer then it will get much too hot with 50A in it. 12V x 10A= only 120W then the max continuous output will be only 100W. For an output with only 100W then you do not need so many output transistors.
Zohaib99 Posted - Sep 21 2009 : 12:19:56 PM
Also tell me about the battery current, is 12v/50A works? Can i use 10A transformer?
audioguru Posted - Sep 20 2009 : 10:51:08 AM
The (+) sign on the non-polar film capacitor C1 should not be shown.
The schematic is 5 years old and has been improved by changing the transformer to 10V-0V-10V and adding a protection zener diode to the supply voltage for the CD4047 IC.

A simple square-wave inverter that uses modern Mosfets is much better.

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