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 Power Supply
 12v dc down to 3v dc Needed. Urgently

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dan ryan Posted - Sep 01 2009 : 6:48:33 PM
I have a 12vdc remote control system [ bait boat] that I need to run a 3.3vdc fish finder ]separately from the same 12v battery the currant draw is minimal as the circuit runs on a 3v watch battery.can anyone provide a circuit with a component/parts list please. I would be most grateful.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Sep 07 2009 : 10:27:50 AM
LM317. Check the datasheet. It's a simple linear regulator. There is also a lower power version.

However since you indicate the current draw is so small, then a tiny zener diode and voltage divider will do the job. But probably no more inexpensively then the lower power version of the 317.
dan ryan Posted - Sep 02 2009 : 05:53:56 AM
Thank you so much
Dan Ryan
Walter Posted - Sep 01 2009 : 10:24:24 PM
You need simple Voltage Regulator=Zener Diode Circuit, one Resistor, Zener Diode and small Projection Box. All parts you can find in the Radio Shack. This project require Soldering Iron and solder wire. In the positive wire install in series RESISTOR and after resistor install Zener Diode between positive and negative wire.
To find the value of the components follow the rules: Pz = Vz X Il, R1 = ( Vin - Vz ) / Il
Pz - Zener Diode Power, Vz - Zener Diode Voltage, Il - Maximum load current, R1 - Resistor, Vin - Voltage in.
My suggestion w/o knowing the load current: Resistor - in the range between 60 and 100 ohms 1Watt, Zener Diode - 3.3V 1Watt.
"This circuit supplies a steady voltage ( Vout ) to a load from an unregulated supply ( like a battery ). The Regulator always uses the same current, even when the load is removed".
Best wishes.

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