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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aaron Cake Posted - Jan 28 2022 : 09:51:29 AM
This is a red letter day in the history of this website. Since 2006 the site has been hosted via a Bell dedicated DSL, which became "fibre" (FTTN) sometime around 2015. This cost of this connection continue to increase and with no speed increase possible, there simply was no value anymore in the service. Earlier this week I had a Rogers Business "Ignite" cable connection installed at the somewhat upgraded speed of 1Gb/s / 50Mb/s. Plugged into WAN2 on the router, I swapped the DNS last night to the new IP. There should have been no downtime as the Bell connection on WAN1 continues to serve the site while the DNS propagates. Looking forward to cancelling the Bell contract. Those who are long time visitors to the site may remember that since the late '90s the site was hosted originally on a Rogers cable connection, but only switched to Bell when Rogers started radically shaping bandwidth on consumer connections while refusing to offer business class services to residences. Rogers has since changed that policy so what is old is new again.

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