High Current Power Supply

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Since my page was first posted, I have received a number of emails asking about a high current power supply. I looked around, but couldn't find one that was suitable. So, I designed this. It is a linear supply, which might have a few of you rolling your eyes, but it takes very few parts, is simple to build and can supply huge currents.


This is the schematic of the High Current Power Supply


Total Qty.
R11680 Ohm 1/4 Watt Resistor
C1120,000 - 50,000uF 20-40 Volt Capacitor
C2, C32100uF 50 Volt Capacitor
C410.1uF 50 Volt Capacitor
C510.01uF 50 Volt Capacitor
D11Zener Diode (See Notes)
Q112N3055 Or Other (See Notes)
T11Transformer (See Notes)
BR11Bridge Rectifier (See Notes)
S11SPST 250 VAC 10 A Switch
MISC1Case, Line Cord, Heatsink For Q1, Binding Posts For Output


  1. D1 should be rated at about one volt higher than then desired output of the supply. A half watt diode will do.
  2. Q1 can be a transistor similar to the 2N3055. I chose the 2N3055 for it's availability and power handling (150 watts).
  3. T1 should be about 5 volts higher than the desired output of the supply, and rated for about one amp more of current. The voltage overhead is required by the regulator section. The extra current is to keep the transformer from over heating.
  4. The choice of BR1 will depend on the voltage and current of your transformer. The rectifier should be rated for 50 volts more than the transformer, and 5 amps more than the transformer.

  5. The value of R1 will be smaller when supplying high currents. Expiriment until you get what you need.
  6. You are going to need to heatsink Q1 and BR1. Use a small PC case style fan unless you are going to run large heatsinks.

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Paul Patrakka
High Current Power Supply
Sunday, September 27, 2020 9:38:43 PM
For high current supply you can use microwave transformer ( secondary coil removed and recoiled for desired voltage ) with heavy wire and rectifier . For 14v power supply coil 10 turns of heavy wire , add high current rectifier and car audio capacitor like 1 Farad ...
High Current Power Supply
Monday, May 15, 2017 4:24:24 AM
First of all ..!! I made one like this and my opinion is this : do not build this one if you do not want to spend money on changing the power transistor because it will burn any time you draw sufficient current ..! Very bad circuit and with no protection ... The ripple is at the roof at high current . The transistor will be dead no matter what heatsink you out on it. Also this circuit is very very bad if your load are dc motors .! Instead of this OLD model of circuit you can use the safest way of putting a Voltage regulator with a power transistor on top of it with the current you want... Good Luck.
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, October 31, 2013 12:35:26 PM
I have bought up most of the components to build my power supple. Was wondering if you could tell me how to build my Bridge Rectifier and how to add a variable to my 70A 17V power supply. I have the transformer and caps. I think I need a 100A 100V Bridge Rectifier but finding one like that has proved to be very hard! Please if you can tell me anything about how to build what I need or let me know what mite work I would be very greatful! Also any info that may help like a scumadic etc would help a lot. Thanks Bill
anonymous JEFF
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, August 01, 2013 8:08:50 PM
I need a power supply schematic to build a 13.8vdc 20amp power supply. I was wonder if this one on this page would work for that or would I need to change compoint sizes. Thanks Jeff
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:23:36 AM
Hello, I wonder how to get high current with this configuration? Lets take the highest hfe for this transistor, 70. With 12Dc and a resistor of 680Ohm result a current from 17mA x hfe 70 = 1,235 Amps??
High Current Power Supply
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 5:56:55 PM
he requests for specific "I need to do this" stuff leads me to this conclusion: Put the soldering iron down and step away and nobody gets hurt
High Current Power Supply
Saturday, September 24, 2011 10:51:29 AM
i want to make a 12 volt 40 ampere power supply for a very urgent project. please send me any info regarding that
John B
High Current Power Supply
Monday, March 22, 2010 12:06:28 AM
I have components for electrifying my bike. Is it feasable to use this PS, substitute a 12v 15A motor for the transformer and get my power for the motor and battery buffer? What other suggestions do you have?
High Current Power Supply
Friday, September 04, 2009 12:30:00 AM
Looks like a low cost easily built cicuit BUt it's design concept is for a fixed output. I would very much like to see a variable 5A (or greater) in the range say 2 to 48V . I am unable to "modify" your circuit to achieve this with a pot which anyway would involve switching to different resistance sub circuits - I thnk!! The best type of variable is the infinitely variable which requires generally a digital voltmeter to be incorporated & this adds COST unless you have a low cost design for a digi-voltmeter???
High Current Power Supply
Friday, August 21, 2009 3:26:03 AM
Thank you for your circuit!
48 volt supply
Friday, May 08, 2009 9:29:22 AM
Hi. Very interesting reading. My problem is that I have built an 8 channel microphone unit and need a 48 volt power supply - each mic needing around 4ma. Any ideas ??
High Current Power Supply
Saturday, April 11, 2009 7:35:57 AM
Your circuit is simple and good. Series voltage regulation has a high ripple and poor regulation compare to one which are using a 7812 regulator. I want to make a power supply that is capable to higher currents. But 7812 has a maximum current of about 1.5A, how can i incorporate this with your circuit? Please send me your comment and please include the circuit so that i can fully understand your circuit. I know that making a complex circuit could make me understand well. Thank you. Efren,
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, April 09, 2009 2:22:25 PM
ROFLMAO @ Captain electrode! Yeah man, you can TOTALLY build a 16kw power supply for $40. For god's sake, if you have so little knowledge about electricity and electronics to even ask that question you should NOT be anywhere near high voltage or high current, you are a danger to yourself and others! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read a book or two about basic electric theory or EM physics so you don't hurt yourself OR SOMEONE ELSE! Or cause a citywide blackout, for that matter! Good luck man!
High Current Power Supply
Monday, March 02, 2009 7:58:28 PM
If you correct at Note 2, from 150W to 150mW, everything is going to be O.K.
Captain electrode
HELP High Current Power Supply
Monday, February 02, 2009 10:22:36 PM
I am gong to ask the impossible. I have 12 vdc car battery. I am using this source as my power supply for my tests. I need high voltage AND high current. so how can I get lets say 200 or 400 volts and up to 40 amps. Is this possible and the next impossible question, can I build these things for around 40 dollars. Please dont laugh but I have been building and experimenting trying to do this for the past 3 months. Any help would be really appreciated.
High Current Power Supply
Saturday, January 31, 2009 1:11:14 AM
Hello im needing help with making a ps, or finding one. Im thinking of using a computer power supply, which its already rigged. but im wanting to put 100 watts over a coil with alot of amps. I was thinking of 20A at 5 V constant. Any ideas on a cheap way to build or buy this? " im needing it to be stable, constant, and reliable "
Sunday, October 19, 2008 10:12:30 PM
Hey, thanks for this circuit. I just re-built a power supply that was very similar. Up to this point, I did not understand how regulators worked, and I usually tried to go with regulator ICs such as the 7812, etc. I studied your schematic, and looked on wikipedia too, and now I think I get it. Thanks! Links I found useful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage_stabilizer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regulator
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, August 07, 2008 5:35:07 PM
i was wondering if someone has made this and it works. In electronics class we always placed the npn emitter on the negative, but this was in switching circuits.
High Current Power Supply
Sunday, July 06, 2008 4:25:33 AM
it is better to use darlington transistor ,u can add d313 transistor to 2n3055 and make it darlington.i am sure,i use it until 6 amps, but with 2 of 2n3055.
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:55:31 PM
Like previous have said, the bottlenecks are your transformer, the transistor, and the diode bridge. There are better ways of getting high-amperage output.
High Current Power Supply
Saturday, March 22, 2008 5:49:04 PM
Hello. I am trying to build a high current 8V, 6A for my project. I have transformer 220V IN, 12V, 5A out is it OK for above rated voltage required. I need circuit diagram for it. Tray to be easy to build with ordinary component. thanks
High Current Power Supply
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 5:51:01 PM
I am trying to design and build a 24VDC regulated power supply hat can deliver at least 50A and also has a 15V regulated output that only needs to deliver 100mA. Can you help me?
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, March 04, 2008 6:31:31 PM
I need a schematic to build a power supply for a surround sound system that would handel a 400watt amp. please email me Thanks!
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:47:41 AM
Hello, I am trying to build a12v baterry charger with current of atleast 10amps. Is this possible with help of ICs (LMXXX or any other) Please mail its sollution on my email id ie -
High Current Power Supply
Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:01:36 AM
You have to use a device called dahono current doubler. I assure you it will gi ve twice current ratings than usual
24VDC regulated power supply
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 11:45:34 PM
Hi, we are going to make a 24 VDC regulated power supply as our project.We would like to ask help from you to provide us schematic diagram for this circuit.Thank you and God Bless.
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 4:39:02 PM
Hello There. I am trying to build a high current psu 12v-30A. I am building n surround sound system using two 4-channel car amps. I want to know know if you could please e-mail me back. I need a circuit diagram please, 220vac to 12v/30A without using a transformer. thanks
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, November 29, 2007 3:41:50 PM
actually Ose, the 2N3055 is rated for I believe 15 Amps which is the only component given limiting the power output as long as the correct choice is made for the Bridge and the Transformer. Although buying the capacitors for a reasonable ripple along with the bridge and the transformer rated for those amps may be cost prohibative.
High Current Power Supply
Sunday, November 25, 2007 6:41:57 AM
This power supply is NOT HIGH CURRENT. It is only 500mA maximum, hi de osa
High Current Power Supply
Friday, November 23, 2007 9:16:53 PM
if any one can give any input i need to build a 200 amp 18 vdc unregulated power supply any input would be great.
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 2:00:47 PM
I asked this on another power supply page and you that particular one wouldn't work. Would this one work? What would be the values for a 13.8vdc 20A power supply--for a Ham Radio?
High Current Power Supply
Monday, November 12, 2007 5:35:27 AM
sir could u kindly explain nto me the operation of the HIGH CURRENT POWER SUPPKY please
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:57:21 PM
Sir,i just asking how to make the high current split power supply for amplifier with output +/-25vdc
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:45:09 PM
Sir, can you recommand for me the better power supply by using my amplifier with ic lm1875 or lm1876?i want the power one.....thank you.
Multi cctv power supply
Sunday, November 04, 2007 8:51:51 AM
Hello, if possible can you either email me or post online, the schematics for building a multipower supply. I'm trying to build a 10 channel 12vdc power supply, for cctv. So basically i'm trying to plug in 120vac and get out (10) individual 12vdc power. Thank you for your time.
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, October 11, 2007 1:11:09 AM
Can this be used for any domestic use like running a water pump?
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, October 09, 2007 10:28:47 PM
I have to make 24VDC high current power supply ? Can you help me ... Input voltage : 200vac-22vac Output current : 24VDC 10A
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, October 04, 2007 9:22:27 PM
SIr, I just would like to ask what are the possible voltage output of your design?
High Current Power Supply
Saturday, September 15, 2007 5:44:50 AM
Why you have so many caps? I don't understand the purpose of C2. And I don't understand C4 and C5. Are they there to act as low pass filters (with the series resistance of the traces)?
High Current Power Supply
Saturday, September 15, 2007 5:43:47 AM
Sir could you plese explain to me how its functioning and please send to me the shortly descripiton of it
High Current Power Supply
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 7:41:29 AM
i want know how to make a stepup &step down tranformer
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, July 19, 2007 9:10:11 AM
I am using a well designed 117V AC to 24V DC power supply.This uses components like RFH 25 P10 (P channel 100v 25A mosfet),BYT 30 (free wheeling diode) and UC 1524A (PWM).It difficult to have these components in India.Hence want an alternative circuit using n channel mosfets which are readily available here.
High Current Power Supply
Monday, July 16, 2007 8:44:07 PM
hi.can u assist me with a circuit that can switch off a refrigerator unit if the voltage is below 200v and above 240v and also be able to delay any in coming voltage for about 10 minute
power supply
Wednesday, July 04, 2007 12:26:32 PM
i just want to do a simple power supply with 12VDC output with 3A transformer... can you help me do one????????
High Current Power Supply
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 1:29:25 PM
Beware how much current you actually try to draw from this "high current" design. With a 15v transformer and a 10 volt output (5 volts difference, as you suggest, which is right by the way), if you draw 10 amps, that 2n3055 transistor will have to dissipate at least 50 watts. While they are rated for 115w (not 150, by the way), that is a very optimistic rating assuming ideal heat sinking, which you will never have, even with a big aluminum heat sink and a fan blowing on it. Try to design these things such that they don't push a 2n3055 beyong 25 watts dissipation or there will be trouble. If you need more than 5 amps from this thing, I'd strongly suggest putting multiple 2n3055 in the output, and including bias resistors to balance them (otherwise, one will surely conduct before the others and blow itself up.)
High Current Power Supply
Sunday, June 24, 2007 11:25:46 PM
Why so many caps? I don't understand the purpose of C2. And I don't understand C4 and C5. Are they there to act as low pass filters (with the series resistance of the traces)?
High Current Power Supply
Saturday, June 23, 2007 10:07:10 AM
This powersupply is not very efficient. Also, watch out for heat generated by the unit. Visit Myspace.com and look for Reuben Gathright. I am building a high amperage 12VDC switching powersupply for use in Electric vehicles.
High Current Power Supply
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 4:56:04 PM
I have a 12 to 15 volt @ 25 amp power supply. I need occasionally to run a high powered transmitter that will sometimes pull as much as 45 amps. Can I use the output of the power supply in parallel with a deep cycle 12 volt battery to safely solve my problem?
High Current Power Supply
Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:22:36 PM
it is great
High Current Power Supply
Monday, May 28, 2007 1:45:51 AM
I want high current producing circuit which is about 300amps with just a single phase supply
High Current Power Supply
Sunday, May 27, 2007 8:27:13 AM
i am student in thailand i am studying with high current source i want supply about 200 amp . can i have circuit diagrame or knowhow or information to study, plz recommend
High Current Power Supply
Wednesday, May 23, 2007 6:30:53 PM
What is the amperage requiement of the transformer in this circuit.
surya swaroop
High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:50:51 AM
I want high current producing circuit which is about 300amps with just a single phase supply
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:26:37 AM
Hi there, just wondering can a microwave capacitor be used like a car amp stiffening capacitor for a in house computer power supply (trying to) run a car amp

(Editor's notes: No!)

anonymous kattan
High Current Power Supply 230v DC to 230v AC inverter
Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:09:10 AM
We need 230 v DC to 230 v AC inverters, do you have or perhaps re-direct us. Thank you in advance
Ganesh Chandak
High Current Power Supply with variable output
Saturday, May 12, 2007 4:10:28 AM
Can you please send me details to make this power supply in to variable power supply output. I will be very much thankful.
High Current Power Supply
Monday, May 07, 2007 5:33:50 AM
How much is the Current? and how to calculate it? Thanks.
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, May 03, 2007 7:54:42 PM
can you send me on my email what kind of circuit should i used to my motor bike to regulate the output voltage from the coil into 12V.
High Current Power Supply
Sunday, April 29, 2007 9:30:15 AM
thank you ... this circuit is simple but thank you again i know your road now/ your friend naguib
Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:49:23 AM

(Editor's notes: There's an inverter schematic on this website.)

atiqur rahman
High Current Power Supply
Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:30:30 AM
I want many circuit diagram of high volt, and fany circuit. plz sand me.
High Current Power Supply
Friday, April 06, 2007 3:40:27 PM
hello audio guru,i like to know how much current i can get from this circuit at 12v supply.
High variable Current with fixed voltage Power Supply
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:07:24 PM
Is there anyone here who can help me. The current is 150A to 180A with nominal voltage of 3V.
High Current Power Supply
Monday, March 26, 2007 11:08:19 AM
can i get hight curent and hight voltage thanks
230vac in put out put 12vdc of 500ma and 18 vdc of 1ampere
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 6:50:36 AM
I want a power supply circuit of the input of 230vdc and out put in two forms that is 12vdc 500mA and 18vdc 1A using voltage regulator help me out please

(Editor's notes: See the multiple power supply circuits on the circuits page (link at bottom saying "Back To Circuits Page").)

High Current Power Supply
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 1:15:59 AM
send me more information about data transmission through power lines (UG project) & circuit diagram ,explanation.
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