Tone Control

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This simple tone control can be used in may audio applications. It can be added to amplifers, used as a stand alone control module, or even built into new and exciting instruments. It's one IC construction makes it a very compact circuit, as only a few support components are required. Plus, it does not use a dual power supply. This means that the circuit will run from 9V to 15V (although the bass will be a little weak at 9V). The circuit is by Robert Barg and originally appeared in the Think Tank column of the May 1998 issue of Popular Electronics.


Schematic for tone control


Total Qty.
C1, C3, C5, C7, C15, C1662.2uf Electrolytic Capacitor
C2, C620.05uF Ceramic Disc Capacitor
C410.22uF Disc Capacitor
C8, C1020.015uF Ceramic Disc Capacitor
C91100uF Electrolytic Capacitor
C11, C12, C13, C1440.1uF Ceramic Disc Capacitor
R1, R4210K 1/4W Resistor
R2, R5233K 1/4W Resistor
R3, R624.7K 1/4W Resistor
R712.2K 1/4W Resistor
R8, R9, R10, R11450K Linear Pot
U11TDA1524A Tone Control IC
S11SPST Switch
J1, J2, J3, J44RCA JacksOther connectors of your choice
MISC1Board, Wire, Knobs, 18 Pin Socket


  1. S1 is a contour control. Volume is controlled by R11. Balance is controlled by R10. R9 and R8 control bass and treble, respectivly.
  2. J1 is the left input, J4 is the right input. J2 is the left output, J3 is the right output.
  3. The circuit is designed to accept line level or mic level inputs. if you are going to be using a stronger signal, a voltage divider will be necessary to cut it down to proper levels.
  4. You can, of course, skip J1-J4 if you plan to integrate this circuit into another.

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Tone Control
Sunday, January 18, 2015 10:20:12 PM
Gud somebody told me that the IC with 16 pins that I was looking is a CD3699. But I have a problem searching for that exact IC. Do you know?, any substituion regarding on this IC. like other IC, that have the same function as this...
Tone Control
Saturday, October 11, 2014 4:38:00 AM
Hi I have a karaoke model Plardin Pl-1029. It is a 10k watts amplifier, Fm radio. I just can't find the right IC for the tone control section of it, because I don't know what is the part number of it Do you have a schematic diagram of this model. Preferably on its tone control section?.
julius c. horfilla
Tone Control
Monday, October 24, 2011 5:48:42 AM
try to experiment more,improvised it. do your best find the best possible as you can . but be carefull or you may waste your money in a split seconds.if you damage your audio amplifier and power supply if it explode.
julius c. horfilla
Tone Control
Monday, October 24, 2011 5:31:23 AM
you can use that input captain transformer to enhance bass response of your amplifier.not directly on your amplifier but to your tonecontrol circuit i explained it already. that's a tradeschool (ctu) trade secret, highschool and college since the 1980's. my schoolyear 1982-1886.csat-cscst.
Tone Control
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 6:15:51 AM
@julius Hi im from cebu too, i am still a beginner in electronics, i built an "bass & treble amp" as we call it here i am interested in putting a "captain transformer" to the amp, can you please give me a schematic on how and where to connect it to my amp thank in advance :)
julius c. horfilla
Tone Control
Saturday, January 15, 2011 9:15:26 AM
how to make your standard horn/dome tweeter w/permanent magnet a super tweeter. use 2.2uf/50v non polar series filter capacitor then parallel an inductor to the ground.then series again another 1uf/50v to the tweeter. now parallel tweeter's two terminal's with another inductor. the data of the two inductor's is 50 turns #24 magnetwire on a 5/16"diameter 4.5"long can also reduce/adding another number of turns of your coil.or changing the value of your capacitor.with my data it's already tested.
julius c.horfilla
Tone Control
Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:23:08 AM
as i mentioned this input captain transformer is most likely applicable to andy collinsons baxandall type,tone control can also use this input captain transformer to any tone control circuit similar that of andy collinsons tone control can also connect a switch, to turn it on and off.don't also forget to parallel a capacitor to the input captain transformer rated at .01-.2uf/50vmylar capacitor for brilliant treble effect.try also different combinations for improvement.
Tone Control
Monday, July 19, 2010 2:13:38 AM
this input captain trnsformer is most likely applicable to andy collinson's baxandall tone control cicuit.just parallel the input captain transformer to the 2nd stage transistors emitter,and the other terminal of the input captain to the ground.remember the input captain transformer has five side has 2terminals and the other side has 3terminals.just chose 2terminals per side.and the other side is of no use.also parallel your input captain transformer with .01uf -.1uf mylar capacitor for brilliant treble effect.....the effect of this input captain transformer is a rubberlike and extremely deep bass effect.
julius c.horfilla
Tone Control
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 5:56:48 AM
my advice,when incorporating an input captain transformer to your tone control circuit , try puting a switch in series with really works, a very deep and a rubberlike bass effect.and for a brilliant tweeter effect .also parallel your input captain transformer with a mylar capacitor rated at .05uf-.2uf/50v.try different combinations,experiment.
julius c.horfilla
Tone Control
Monday, June 07, 2010 6:48:02 AM
for perfect tweeter series filter capacitor use .5uf-2.2uf /50v non polar or mylar 630v capacitor for horn/dome tweeter. .22uf-.5uf /50v non polar or 630v mylar capacitor for piezo electric tweeter specially motorolla.and parallel your tweeter an inductor/coil directly.the data for the coil is 50-130 turns#24 magnetwire on a 5/16"diameter 4.5"long ferrite bar or your old junk ferrite bar.
julius c.horfilla
Tone Control
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 2:12:03 AM
the perfect filter capacitor for any tweeter is .5uf-2.2uf/50v non-polar capacitor and parallel your tweeter directly with an inductor or coil.the data of the coil is approximately 50-120 turns #24 magnet wire on 5/16"diameter 5"-7"long ferrite bar, available at any electronic stores.
julius c. horfilla
Tone Control
Sunday, November 01, 2009 11:13:53 PM
this input captain transformer colored blue enhances bass effect to any tone control circuit,transistorized or I.C.type tone control ciruit provided it matches the design. for best results parallel it with .1uf - .2uf mylar capacitor for sharp tweeter effect.
julius c.horfilla
Tone Control
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 4:23:47 AM
one thing that i can advice when using this input captain transformer to improve the performance of any tone control circuit,transistorized or ic to keep it away to a radiating electromagnetic attractio n coming from the power transformer.anywhere you put inside on your audio system or amplifier chassis as long as it will not attract the radiating force of the power transformer.better you connect a long wire to put your input captain in a distance where you could hear a zero presence of humming in audio.but not very far.if you get the perfect location then you excellent results.
julius c.horfilla
Tone Control
Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:00:08 PM
this input captain transformer not only applicable to enhance the bass effect of any transistorized tone control circuit but also to i.c. circuit provided it matches the design of the circuit.
julius c.horfilla
Tone Control
Sunday, October 11, 2009 6:32:34 AM
to trimmed up the sharp effect of your tweeter. use 1-2uf/50v non polar series filter capacitor...and parallel your tweeter directly with an inductor or a coil.the data of a coil is around more or less 120 turns #24 magnetwire on a ferrite antenna bar approximately 3/8'' diameter 5''-7'' can experiment it by adding or reducing the number of turns of coil.depending on your taste.
Tone Control
Friday, September 18, 2009 1:29:48 PM
This Tone Control looks very cool. Thanks for sharing!
julius c.horfilla
Tone Control
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:17:57 AM
to boost bass effect to any transistorized tone control circuit,you can use input captain transformer connected to the emitter of the npn transistor and the other terminal of input captain transformer to the can also parallel a .1uf-.2uf mylar capacitor for sharp treble double the effect of the input captain transformer you can parallel two input captain transformer for full bass rubberlike effect....this input captain transfomer is available here in cebu city,philippines.this is what our local audio fanatics are doing here in cebu.
Chaos Zen
Tone Control
Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:17:01 PM
The questions asked here sound like they are from very lazy people who want everything done for them. Read the parts list, it tells what each piece is. The other questions can be simply answered by making simple calculations or looking up parts specs. As for bass boost, that's commonly available in even the simplest pre-amp circuits. Stop being so lazy, look it up!
Tone Control
Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:15:15 PM
Please i will like to have a circuit of a tone with heavy bass boost. Thanks....
Tone Control
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 2:33:21 AM
how are you supposed to build it?
Tone Control
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 7:20:16 AM
can this circuit be use a tone control for the 100 watt amplifier?
Tone Control
Monday, May 19, 2008 9:26:37 AM
Can this circuit be used as a tone control for a separate 100W Audio Power Amplifier? Email me pls. =) Tnx.
anonymous: ahmed attia
Tone Control
Saturday, May 10, 2008 4:22:28 AM
can this circuit apply to power amplifier to give us high gain and high triple quality, the VCC will only +9 volts or can us use the rang to +15 V, we need pcb of this circuit. Ahmed Attia
Tone Control
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 12:38:49 PM
Pls, I'll like to know about vocal tone control. Every thing about it if possible. Thanks.
Tone Control
Monday, November 26, 2007 7:51:38 AM
what is the voltage of the electrolytic capacitor of this tonecontrol
Tone Control
Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:34:26 AM
What a lazy bunch of lamers. Why don't they get the spec. sheet and figure it out themselves?
Tone Control
Friday, August 24, 2007 1:06:24 PM
I built this tone control and I installed that in my car. But it is noisy.I omitted the LM7812.How can I reduse noise when car motor is working?
au cacho
Tone Control
Thursday, August 16, 2007 6:44:14 AM
how can i add a switch for choosing a mono or stereo and wat is the gain of the circuit? would it be good to use this tone control for a 100W amplifier? can you put labels on the schematic.
Jack Daniels
Tone Control
Saturday, June 23, 2007 3:25:29 AM
Can you please explain what is the gain levels of the frequencies, and what need to tweaked to have higher base gain since the Bass response is slightly low. please provide the technical spec of the U1. Please let us know and share the schematic diagram whether Mid Frequency control can be incoperated in this circuit ....?
victor stanvic
Tone Control
Friday, June 08, 2007 6:40:03 AM
i only saw one wire on the 9V/ 15V power supply. which wire is positive and which one is negative? . Secondly, among the jacks, which of them is the input and the output? Which kind of plug can one use on it. Thanks, i believe my request for more explaination will be granted in due time.
Tone Control
Thursday, May 03, 2007 2:52:28 AM
block diagram must be provided and actual drawing
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