need help Printed from: Aaron's Homepage Forum Topic: Topic author: aravindj36
Subject: need help Hello there, I was looking for circuit of a simple infrared light beam alarm.I dont know anything about microcontrollers .pleading help
Reply author: Aaron Cake The simplest possible circuit is to just drive an IR LED with whatever voltage source and an appropriate dropping resistor. Then the receiving end is a phototransistor with a series resistor on the collector and the emitter to ground. Connect up the base of a transistor through another resistor to the junction of the series resistor and the collector. Now that transistor will have current pulled away from it's base as long as the photo transistor receives light. Stick an IR filter on it and a tube to make it directional. That's about as simple as you can get. Your alarm is switched by the second transistor which stays off as long as the phototransistor receives light.
Reply author: aravindj36 I also got that idea but ir phototransistors and photdiodes are very hard to get in my place.But tsop modules are available I even have a few tsop1838's with me . And now i'am looking for an ir detector which when detects coded ir light makes an led glow but not blink the problem with normal circuits are that the led blinks when it detects ir light.Please help me aaron
Reply author: Aaron Cake I don't know what a TSOP module is.
Reply author: audioguru A TSOPxxx is an IR receiver IC that is made by Vishay/Telefunken.
Reply author: aravindj36 Atlast after a lot of searching I got the photransistor 2n5777.Could you please give the circuit rather than explaining it please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply author: aravindj36 Now I think buying the phototransistor was a waste of 40RS as I found this circuit And now my question is whether i can use an in4148 insted of the bat28 diode
Reply author: pebe It's difficult to see how IC2 of the receiver can oscillate.
Reply author: aravindj36 Iam not planning to use the transmitter circuit instead iam going to use a remote control
Reply author: audioguru The receiver circuit is wrong and will not work. But can't find a modern BAT85 Schottky diode for it anyway.
Reply author: aravindj36 Then can anybody give me a correct circuit of the thing PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply author: audioguru The internet has thousands of IR circuits that do not work and it has thousands of IR circuits that work perfetly.
Reply author: aravindj36 I found this circuit.will this work
Reply author: audioguru In the new circuit the voltage comparator will not work because its output is missing a pullup resistor.
Reply author: aravindj36 will this one work
Reply author: pebe Is the symbol marked "100mA" supposed to represent a lamp?
Reply author: audioguru Your new circuit will not work unless you remove the diode.
Reply author: aravindj36 Well i dont know why .could anyone give me a working cicuit ithink its been too long since the post began.And now i've managed to get an L14F1
Reply author: aravindj36 will this work
Reply author: audioguru Most circuits from that website in India are very old and do not work or work very poorly.
Reply author: aravindj36 well then is their any way i can create a continuos non fluctuating pulse from the tsop so that i could configure it as a potential divider and drive a relay
Reply author: audioguru An IR receiver IC is made to give an output of varying pulses from the varying pulses from a remote control transmitter. Since you want a non-fluctuating DC output then your receiver circuit must include a mono-stable multivibrator or a flip-flop latch.
Reply author: aravindj36 In the given circuit will the input given to pin no 11 be a stable one
Reply author: audioguru The link to your schematic does not work.
Reply author: aravindj36 OK then from which all pins of the circuit from shreeram give me a continuos signal forget the tx
Reply author: aravindj36 <a href=""><img src="" alt="Visit this site."></a>
Reply author: audioguru Who is Sheeram?
Reply author: aravindj36 Not someone it is the link i had given earlier it starts shreeram electronics
Reply author: pebe
quote:ALL of your links are to websites. None of them refer to a circuit.
Reply author: aravindj36 ok will this work and please which one of the 2 circuits are better Aaron's Homepage Forum : © 1995-2020 AARONCAKE.NET |