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 2030 bridge

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Ashirdaniel Posted - Apr 19 2017 : 04:13:15 AM
Can anyone explain how a tda2030 bridge amplifier works.the circuit is in its datasheet. Works on 12v dual supply. Produce 35watts RMS. I'm a beginner. Please.
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audioguru Posted - Mar 18 2018 : 12:30:07 AM
The negative input of the second amplifier is fed through R7 and C5 from the output of the first amplifier.
Ashirdaniel Posted - Feb 21 2018 : 12:03:55 AM
Bcos I can't see a direct connection. When I look at them, positive and negative input of second amplifier is connected to neutral. One with a 22k resistor. I'm not a professional. So not good with circuits.
audioguru Posted - Jul 14 2017 : 1:38:11 PM
Why are you asking about resistor values that are all shown on the datasheet for the TDA2030 and the TDA2030A??
Ashirdaniel Posted - Jun 26 2017 : 10:57:52 AM
So the output of top amplifier is send to the input of second amplifier. Which value of resistor is needed to connect them?
audioguru Posted - May 04 2017 : 7:24:32 PM
The output of the top amplifier feeds the negative input of the bottom amplifier so their output voltage swings are doubled. With a +/-12V power supply The top amplifier output swings to a peak of +9V when the output of the bottom amplifier swings to a peak of -9V. Then the 8 ohm speaker gets 20W RMS just before clipping. When the supply is +/-16V and the distortion is very high then the output is 34W.

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